Monday 6 June 2011


you know that saying that you know who our friends are?
well you really do find out who your real friends are when you need them the most they will be there for you no matter what or where they are in the world if you need them they will message you or call you...

then you get the people who say they are your friend but then they are only around when they want something like money or when it is convenient for them....they are not your true friends!!!

true friends are the people who are send you a random message telling you they love you and your awesome,
they may be in another country but they will always be there for you even if it is just via a message....
i have fantastic friends in south Africa they always drop me a message and i always drop them one....they are the best ever i know i can count on them anytime i need them...they can count on me too anytime they need too.

then i have friends here in the UK now they are good friends but it seems like you have to make an appointment to see them as they are always busy and they never seem to be there for you only when they want to know or when it is good for them or when they want gossip or to have a good old moan on shit that is happening in there life...but there are a hand full of Brit friends that i have who are there for me when i need them no matter what and it is good to  know that you can count on them...they are the good ones and the ones i have loads of time for anytime of the day.....

now you get the friends who pretend to be your friend when all they do is just get gossip and use it against you and talk behind your back they are true back stabbers in life but you know karma is a bitch and has a habit of messing you up with the most unlucky shit ever!!!

I've come across some people like this and i tel you what it s great when you see people that have messed you about really get what they deserve which is awesome to sit back and watch with great pleasure!!!!

so the moral of the story is choose your friends wisely and dont tell them everything that is happening in your life....keep things to your self and tell them only what you want to know.....

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